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Millers Place

  • Overview

    MWP acquired the brownfield site, a former builders’ merchants, in 2021. Having obtained planning in the following year for 40 No. Apartments, we completed this scheme to the Passivhaus Standard for Barcud Housing association in 2024.

  • Planning & Design

    The site was situated within the curtilage of several Grade II listed buildings. Through site & historical analysis, we heavily referenced the architecture of local woolen mills, mirroring their form and massing, whilst softening the appearance with ornate brickwork. Early design revisions were modelled for building performance to ensure that all proposals would meet Passivhaus standard.

  • Technical & Construction

    This being our largest Passivhaus project to date, we further refined our approach and the detailing of our twin wall system improving both thermal and air tightness performance. We continued to include micro renewables, installing 200+ PV panels, and introducing smart tech for energy storage/hot water.

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